
Friday, April 18, 2008

Dracula Musical

I heard back from the jorb interview I had last week. I was offered a 1-year contract as a Research Coordinator at NYU/Bellevue's Sleep Disorder Clinic (aka Team Sleep) with a 35K/year salary plus benefits. And they're sending me to San Diego next month for a brain training seminar. I've been in kind of a hibernative naptosis for ahwhile, so I was pretty happy about being gainfully employed again after 4 months.

I went to go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall this afternoon after I heard the news. Is was good. Jackie from that 70s show and electric fingers lady from Heroes and Mike from SLC Punk. And Pual Rudd. Can't go wrong, really. There was also a 'Silent Rave' in Union Square this afternoon., and it had just started when i got out of the moviefilm. It was basically just a bunch of people w/ iPods dancing to their own music, or something to that effect. There's some pictures of it below.

1-9. Silent Rave @ 14th Skreet/Union Square