
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Less Artists More Condos

This weekend was a bit slower than usual, but I needed a break after playing host for 11 days straight. Me and Jesus got moritas at the Habana Outpost in Ft. Greene on Friday, after I forgot that I was on the espress train and ended up at the fucking Kingston-Throop stop in the middle of Brooklyn.

On Saturday I went to the DFA Special Disco Version warm-up party at PS1, which I hadn't been to before. It took about an hour to get in, and there were probably like 1500 people there, but it was fun. After that I took the G train to Park Slope and got some dinner at Flipster's and went and checked out the end of the free Ghostland Observatory show in Prospect Park. After that I came full circle back to the Village and went to the would-be Japanther & Team Robes show at LAMC, but Japanther was somewhere between NYC and Connecticut by the time they were supposed to go on, so they had to cancel.

But my Russian friend Anastasiya got in that night around midnight and we went to St. Jerome's on the LES to have drinks w/ Tony & Bex, and then for pizza and weeds and ice cream in alphabet city after that. On Sunday morning we all went brunch at Blue Ribbon Bakery in the Village, which was fantastic. Me and Thumbelinda DJ'd at Hanger last night and now she's on the way over here to cut my hair. And if I don't fall asleep we might go see Wall-E. That's all.

1-5, 8, 9, 12. PS1
6. West 4th
7. Prospect Park
10. Smith & 9th
11. Nostrand Ave
13-18. Team Robespierre

Friday, July 25, 2008


My friend Lorena was visiting from California this week, she was staying with me from last Wednesday up until this morning. It was her first time in New York so I gave her the Hassenpheffer tour. We did just about every major ethnicity in the city. Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, American, Italian, Spanish-Italian, Gourmet Japanese, 3 kinds of Pizza.. Is was nice. We also went to a handful of shows, including the Siren Fest on Cone-Zone island and the Liars & Fuck Buttons at The Pool. We forewent Deerhoof at Prospect Park on Friday for a 14-course Korean food extravaganza at Kang Suh Good in Koreatown, with a gaggle of Team Sleepers. There was also a Gallery crawl in Chelsea last week, a viewing of the The Dark Knight on boom boom tea in Times Square on Sunday night. So lots of drinks, food, music, tours, and general fun. I'm going to visit her in California as soon as it gets cold here, or maybe sooner because I have the West Coast itch now. Japanther and Team Robes tomorrow at LAMC and/or The Treefort in Bklyn, and MGMT & The Ting Tings at the Pool on Sunday. And Mother Russia is flying in for the weekend tomorrow. I think thas is all.

1. Eleanor Freidberger is hot
2. Kang Suh Good
3. Hurricane Lorena
4. Cone-Zone Island
5. Ninja Brethren
6. Jaguar Love
7. Surf Ave
10. Pepsi Cartwheel
11. Hayden Panetierre
12, 15. Broken Social Scene
13, 14. Carnival Panorama
17. Chinatown Bust
18. Stillwell Ave
19-21. Fuck Buttons
22. Andrew W.K.
23-33. Liars
34. McCarren Park
35. Mexico Bus
37, 41, 42. Bushwick
38. Paris Vampire
39. Stairwell Graffiti
40. Exit